5096 Dorsey Hall Drive Suite 106 Ellicott City, MD 21042

Current Patients 443-545-5393

New Patients 443-232-0656

Dental Bridge Ellicott City, MD

Dr. Denise Halliburton provides dental bridge treatment to her patients in Ellicott City, MD. Dental bridges are a restorative dentistry solution for patients with consecutive missing teeth. Bridges are prosthetic teeth made of metal and porcelain ceramic. They can be removable or secured by adjacent natural teeth or dental implants.

Dental Bridges in Ellicott City, Maryland

Traditional Dental Bridges

Traditional dental bridges can be removable or fixed. Natural teeth on either side of the bridge anchor it into place. Usually, removable bridges have been the norm. You take them out to eat and do your oral healthcare routine at the end of the day. They aren’t usually worn overnight, either.

Fixed bridges stay in place and are a more permanent solution. They always stay in your mouth. You brush your teeth as you normally would, but flossing around the bridge can be difficult. We’ll show you the proper techniques and give you tools if necessary so that you can floss around your bridge properly. Food and debris buildup under your bridge can lead to infection or gum disease.

A traditional dental bridge is one of the quickest restoration options to replace missing teeth. However, you don’t get your full bite function back with a traditional bridge. There may be foods that you can no longer eat. Also, the anchor teeth experience increased wear and tear. They’re more likely to develop a cavity or break. Dental crowns can help fortify your natural teeth, but that also involves shaving down some of your tooth structure.

When you’re missing teeth, you also lose the tooth roots from those teeth. This causes your jawbone to deteriorate in the areas where you’re missing those teeth as well. Your face sags, and the remaining teeth shift and move to try to fill the gap. When you don’t replace the tooth root, that jawbone continues to deteriorate. You’ll have to readjust or replace your bridge to ensure it stays functional as your mouth continues to change.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

Whenever possible, we recommend implant-supported bridges. You get the benefits of dental implants but also get the convenience of one restoration to replace multiple teeth. You’ll be able to brush and floss your teeth like you normally would. Dental implants replace the tooth root as well as the crown of the tooth. They’re the only tooth replacement option that does this. The dental implant post fuses with the jawbone to create tooth root stability.

An implant-supported bridge is a longer process, but it’s also one that lasts longer than a traditional bridge. A surgical component is necessary for dental implants. We surgically place the implant posts into your jawbone. They fuse with the jawbone to give you the stability that they’re known for. It takes 3-6 months for them to heal and fully fuse with the jawbone, and we give you a temporary restoration while you heal.

Because implants replace the tooth root, your jawbone won’t continue to deteriorate and change. You don’t have to deal with the extra costs and inconvenience of readjusting or replacing your restoration over time. It’s a permanent restoration that should last for the rest of your lifetime.


Dental Bridge Treatment

For bridges that use natural teeth as support, Dr. Halliburton will remove a small portion of the enamel on either side of the tooth gap. This is done to ensure that the dental crowns can fit easily onto the teeth. Dr. Halliburton will take dental impressions that are sent to a lab where the bridge will be constructed. For implant-secured bridges, Dr. Halliburton will refer you to a local surgeon for the implantation. After the dental implants have healed, Dr. Halliburton will take dental impressions for the bridge.

Following your treatment, please refrain from eating and drinking hot beverages. We also ask that you avoid eating sticky and hard foods. You can brush and floss the area gently. Do not pull up on the floss, as this can dislodge a temporary bridge.

You may experience pressure and temperature sensitivity. We will provide you with a prescription for pain medications. Please contact our office if there are any abnormalities during the healing process. If you have persistent pain, excessive bleeding, or an uneven bite, call our office as soon as possible for emergency treatment.

Request a Dental Consultation

Want to know more about dental bridge treatment? Call Halliburton Family Dentistry today at 443-232-0656. You may also schedule a dental appointment with us online.